The first Apple iPhone Original was also called as the 'Jesus phone' by a section of media due to passionate reaction by Apple fans after it was launched.
In 2004 Apple started to gather a team of 1000 employees to work on the highly confidential "Project Purple". The team was formed to develop the first iPhone.
iPhone 4 ran into trouble after it reported disconnected telephone calls when holding their phones in a certain way. This became known as Antennagate.
Apple spent $647 million on advertising for the iPhone in the United States from 2007 to 2011.
Jobs introduced the iPhone as a combination of three devices: a "widescreen iPod with touch controls"; a "revolutionary mobile phone"; and a "breakthrough Internet communicator"
Apple iPhone was named as the Invention of the Year in 2007 by Time magazine.
When Steve Jobs was conceiving the idea of iPhone he wanted to work with Motorola in the manufacture of the Apple phone.
There was big trademark fight between Apple and Cisco. The name iPhone was first patented by tech company Cisco.
While developing the prototype of the first generation iPhone, Apple spent $150 million.
The Apple iPhone keyboard accommodates 21 languages.
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