Saturday, 5 January 2013

30,000,000,000 pieces of content are shared every month on the Internet.
127 Trillion emails were sent on the Internet in 2010.
There are 255,000,000 websites on the worldwide web.
48,000,000,000 apps (applications) have been downloaded
By 2013, there will be one trillion devices that can connect to the Internet. That’s 140 per person. In 2007, there were 500 million.
In February 2011, eBook sales reached 90,300,000. Paperback sales at the same time were 81,200,000
1 out of 8 couples met on the Internet.
Personal MySpace pages are visited 30 times a day.
There are 2.7 trillion searches on Google each month.
The number of text messages sent each day is greater than the population of the world.
The average teenager sends 2,272 text messages per month. That is almost 76 per day.

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